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Puerto Rico Department of Education, UNA-USA Puerto rico, and Global Schools host teachers workshop

The Puerto Rico Department of Education, UNA-USA Puerto Rico, and Global Schools, SDSN collaborate to develop locally relevant lesson plans on sustainable development

March 21st, 2023: On Friday, March 10, 2023, at the Manuela Toro Morice High School, the Puerto Rico Department of Education (PRDE) held the first workshop for the development of local lesson plans on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This workshop is the first in a series of events that will lead up to the launch of the Global Schools training programs in Puerto Rico.

The collaboration ā€“ between the Global Schools Program (GSP), the Puerto Rico Chapter of the United Nations Association of the United States of America (UNA-USA PR) and the PRDE ā€“ kicked off with a teacher training workshop for social studies teachers on applying the SDGs in their subject areas.

The workshop was conducted at Manuela Toro Morice High School in Caguas, Puerto Rico, with 50 registered teachers (over 100 teachers responded to the official memo, and future workshops will accommodate all interested teachers). The goal was to develop and draft lesson plans that are adequate for the local context using the lesson plans offered by the GSP. These contain comprehensive guidelines and activities that are easy to use to educate primary and secondary students about the SDGs. GSP also contributed to the collaborative development of a lesson planning template that could be used for the creation of new lesson plans.

Sheikyrisabel Cucuta GonzƔlez, Operations Manager, Social Studies Program, Puerto Rico Department of Education

Pictured from left to right: Ricardo Arzuaga Chaves, Founder and Executive Director, UNA-USA PR Chapter; Edwin Torrez Rodrƭguez, History Teacher, Residential Center of Educational Opportunities in Ceiba (CROEC) and Board Member, UNA-USA PR Chapter; Jorge GonzƔlez Vizcarrondo, President, Board of Directors, UNA-USA PR Chapter

As part of the 2022-2023 curriculum review, the PRDE recognizes the importance of adopting a global educational approach in the curriculum. Implementing a new model that leaves no one behind and offers the needed competencies for reflection and opinion in the new global and interconnected society is fundamental. In addition, there are multiple benefits for students as they will acquire the necessary skills to face the most significant challenges of the 21st century.

This teachers' training workshop represents the first partnership activity between GSP and UNA-USA Puerto Rico after signing a letter of intent in January 2023, highlighting collaborations moving forward. Some future initiatives include localizing GSPā€™s online Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) training for educators and working together to hire a local individual in charge of the implementation and impact measurement of GSP in Puerto Rico.

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VersiĆ³n en espaƱol

21 de Marzo de 2023: El viernes, 10 de marzo de 2023, en la Escuela Superior Manuela Toro Morice, el Departamento de EducaciĆ³n de Puerto Rico (DEPR) celebrĆ³ el primer taller para el desarrollo de planes de lecciones locales sobre los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS). Este taller es el primero de una serie de eventos que llevarĆ”n al lanzamiento de los programas de formaciĆ³n de Global Schools en Puerto Rico.

La colaboraciĆ³n entre Global Schools Program (GSP), el CapĆ­tulo de Puerto Rico de la AsociaciĆ³n de las Naciones Unidas de los Estados Unidos de AmĆ©rica (UNA-USA PR) y el DEPR, comenzĆ³ con un taller de formaciĆ³n para profesores de estudios sociales sobre la aplicaciĆ³n de los ODS en sus asignaturas.

El taller se llevĆ³ a cabo en la Escuela Superior Manuela Toro Morice de Caguas, Puerto Rico, con 50 docentes registrados (mĆ”s de 100 docentes respondieron al memorando oficial, y los talleres futuros acomodarĆ”n a todos los docentes interesados). El objetivo fue desarrollar y redactar planes de lecciones adecuados para el contexto local utilizando los planes de lecciones ofrecidos por GSP como referencia. Estos, contienen directrices y actividades completas que son fĆ”ciles de usar para educar a los estudiantes de primaria y secundaria sobre los ODS. GSP tambiĆ©n contribuyĆ³ al desarrollo colaborativo de una plantilla de planificaciĆ³n de lecciones que podrĆ” utilizarse para la creaciĆ³n de nuevos planes de lecciones.

Como parte de la RevisiĆ³n Curricular presentada en el aƱo escolar 2022-2023, el DEPR reconoce la importancia de adoptar un enfoque educativo global en el plan de estudios. AsĆ­, implantar un nuevo modelo que no deje a nadie atrĆ”s y ofrezca las competencias necesarias para la reflexiĆ³n y el desarrollo de opiniĆ³n en la nueva sociedad global e interconectada es fundamental. AdemĆ”s, los beneficios para los estudiantes son mĆŗltiples, ya que adquirirĆ”n las competencias necesarias para enfrentarse a los retos mĆ”s importantes del siglo XXI.

El taller de formaciĆ³n de maestros representa la primera actividad de la alianza entre GSP y UNA-USA Puerto Rico, tras la firma de una carta de intenciĆ³n en enero de 2023 que destaca las colaboraciones de cara al futuro. Algunas iniciativas futuras incluyen la adaptaciĆ³n de la capacitaciĆ³n en lĆ­nea de EducaciĆ³n para el Desarrollo Sostenible (EDS) de GSP para educadores y el trabajo conjunto para contratar un recurso humano local a cargo de la implementaciĆ³n y mediciĆ³n del impacto de GSP en Puerto Rico.


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SDSN mobilizes global scientific and technological exertise to promote practical solutions for sustainable development, including the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs) and the Paris Climate Agreement. 

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