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Global Schools Advocates work to empower educators in their communities to bring the SDGs into classrooms and curriculum, in order to support a worldwide movement of education for sustainable development

Duties & Responsibilities

Global Schools Advocates lead the local implementation of the Global Schools Program in their school. The Advocates Program will allow teachers to act as action planners and connectors within the school to ensure the implementation of a school-wide long-term strategy to bring the SDGs, Global Citizenship, and 21st Century Skills within school curriculums and operations. Global Schools Advocates are teachers and educators that will receive free online training; join a network of like-minded teachers working to implement activities and lessons on global issues within their classrooms; receive free optional monthly online workshops and conversations on the SDGs and ESD; participate in the forefront of efforts taken by the United Nations, governmental, and civil society in developing and leading a global movement for sustainable development.


Introduce ESD to their School Community


Advocates will introduce ESD to their students, department, and school leadership. This includes carrying out a workshop on ESD with their department to educate other teachers on sustainable development and inspire them to get involved. Using provided resources and methodologies, Advocates will also be able to introduce ESD to their students and fully localize the program to their community context.

Integrate ESD activities in classrooms and/or school community


Advocates will develop a customized program that is tailored to the needs and interests of their school community. Using the provided Advocate Toolkit, Lesson Plans and Activities Guides, Advocates will implement lessons and activities within their classroom or their entire school community that educates students on sustainable development and inspires them to take action.

Inspire the World​


Advocates will share their classroom journey with the Global Schools community. They can also share projects and initiatives with their school leadership, parents, and the greater community.

Educate. Empower. Inspire.

Interested in becoming a Global Schools Advocate?

 Be sure to follow all our social media for updates and information.

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