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Global Schools hosts a workshop at the United Nations Youth Assembly

The Global Schools Program delegation participated in the UN Youth Assembly and the International Youth Day celebrations at the UN Headquarters in NYC, organized by AFS Intercultural Programs. The delegation consisted of Amanda Abrom, Brenda García Millán, Elizabeth Lerman, and Kendra Lee-Heney.

Global Schools Program Manager, Amanda Abrom, participated in a panel on “The Imperative of Global Citizenship” and highlighted the work of the Global Schools Program. She joined other panelists including Dina Buchbinder Auron, Founder and President of Education for Sharing, Sabrina Kinslow, Vice President of Programming and Impact at, Daniel Obst, President and CEO of AFS Intercultural Programs, and Cristian A. Vera, Senior Vice President for Sales at DHL. The discussion centered on sustainable development, education, and the values needed to promote global citizenship.

The Global Schools Program team, including Brenda García Millán, Elizabeth Lerman, and Kendra Lee-Heney, also hosted a workshop on “Building Your Advocacy Skills for Sustainable Development Education.” During the workshop, the Global Schools team gave an overview of the Advocates program, the Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) landscape, and the Global Schools Case Study Guide. Then the Global Schools team led the Youth Assembly delegates through three interactive activities to build their skills to advocate for ESD in their own communities.

The team looks forward to their continued partnership with the Youth Assembly and AFS Intercultural Programs.


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