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Alphonsa Matriculation School is a member of the Global Schools Program, an initiative of the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (UNSDSN). The school takes numerous initiatives to execute the visions of SDGs, particularly the vision of the Global Schools Program and to create a sustainable development culture on the campus. As part of the project execution, the Alphonsa School organized a school-wide Faculty Development Program on February 16th, 2022. The resource person was Mr. Ronnie Antony, Global Schools Advocate and Science teacher at Starlight International School, Taiwan.

The webinar started with a prayer song by Ms. Aji Angel, music teacher. This was followed by Ms. Premkala, Vice Principal who welcomed the resource person, management, and all teachers at the webinar. Ms. Florence V, Global Schools Advocate and Special Program Co-Coordinator enlightened the participants with a short lecture on the need for SDGs and the role played by the Global Schools program to ensure Education for Sustainable Development at the grassroots level of the community. She elaborated on the Mission 4.7 initiative of the Global Schools Program and introduced the resource materials andactivities guides given by the Global Schools Program to teachers.

Mr. Ronnie Antony elucidated how to integrate SDG education into the present curriculum. He discussed the challenges to incorporate SDG education in the local scenario. He reiterated not to force the students to do activities. Hands-on experience is significant, and simultaneously a step-by-step approach is necessary to implement the activities in a successful and sustainable way. Additionally, he showcased pictures on ESD implementation in his school, pointing out that global partnership is needed to discover solutions to global problems. He insisted on thinking globally and acting locally. It was an eye-opening session for all teachers, and they enjoyed his presentation.

Subsequently, teachers chatted with Mr. Ronnie Antony and clarified their doubts on SDG implementation. Ms. Vinita, 6th grade teacher, appreciated the efforts of the Global Schools Program and the school to provide quality education and to create quality teachers. At the end, Ms. Sophiamma Joseph, 10th grade teacher extended the vote of thanks to everyone for this wonderful opportunity. 65 teachers participated in this webinar and enhanced their professional skills. The webinar was moderated by Ms. Sumitha and organized by Ms. Mary and Ms. Lyrina Saffrin, 9th grade teachers. All the arrangements were carried out by Fr. Sanil John, Correspondent, Sr. Lizbeth, Principal, Fr. Toji Sebastin, Vice Principal and Ms. Premkala, Vice Principal.


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SDSN mobilizes global scientific and technological exertise to promote practical solutions for sustainable development, including the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs) and the Paris Climate Agreement. 

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