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The Fundamental Educators’ Innovation Skills for the 21st Century

Updated: May 3, 2021

Written by: Dorpaima Lumban Gaol, the Global Schools Team


In this technology era, every educator needs to be innovative in teaching their students in classrooms. In fact, the COVID-19 pandemic has forced the education sector to move faster in learning innovation than ever before.

Some researchers and experts assert that digital learning perhaps will continue as the new standard of the education sector. No one can deny the rise of technology, and technology can be adopted as an incredible opportunity in achieving quality Education to support the 2030 Agenda. Therefore, we need to adjust circumstances and school activities to be more relevant for the future, including the way in which we teach students in classrooms.

Photo © Maria Symchych

Following the information above, the Global Schools Program is fully supporting all educators worldwide in learning in the technology era as part of its promotion of Education for Sustainable Development Goals. If you are an educator, here are some tips about the educational technology and mobile learning sites you need to know as well as the fundamental skills that can be useful in transforming Education for Sustainable Development.

  • Creativity: As an Educator, you can develop video, audio, and digital images and screen capture resources to enhance your instruction to the student. If you have not yet seen our SDG resources, please check out our resources page.

  • Join group discussion: Be active in an online discussion to share best practices and challenges that you face in your schools with other educators from different contexts. Aside from gaining a lot of new information about innovation in education, you can also expand your networking. please join our educators facebook group to inspire you and drive you towards many creative ideas.

  • Digital Time Management: If you engage in digital learning with your students, it is important to create balance in your classroom. Provide variety with other activities such as note-taking, movement, and games so the students can share their opinions about the content that they learned from the digital resources.

  • Always up to date: In this technology era, we have a lot of information. Teachers and educators are encouraged to critically evaluate endless sources of information and criticize misinformation. Thus, explaining and teaching students about media and a digital literacy becomes important as well in the classroom. You can find out the media and digital literacy resources that you can share with your students.

With the fundamental skills above, Quality Education for sustainable development will be easier to achieve. Educators are a strategic figure in this arena as a frontliner for the students who will become the dominant world generation in the future. This article is dedicated to celebrate World Creativity and Innovation Day on April 21st, 2021.


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SDSN mobilizes global scientific and technological exertise to promote practical solutions for sustainable development, including the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs) and the Paris Climate Agreement. 

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