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Hafiz Jawad Sohail

Project Officer, Partnerships and Events

Hafiz Jawad Sohail is a climate activist and SDGs advocate from Pakistan. He joined the Global Schools team as Project Officer for Partnerships & Events. As a strong advocate for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Hafiz is committed to supporting youth participation and engagement in the processes and policies through his activism and engagement with several global networks. Hafiz (born in Lahore, Pakistan, in 1993) is a trained Climate Reality Leader, UN volunteer and International Development professional. He was a delegate to the COP26 (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Conference of the Parties) that took place from the 1st to the 12th of November 2021, where he was invited to represent the Children and Youth Constituency of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (YOUNGO). Hafiz also served as the Country Coordinator for COY16 (The 16th UN Climate Change Conference of Youth). He was a delegate to the HPAIR Asia Conference 2021 (The Harvard College Project for Asian and International Relations), Paris Peace Forum and UNLEASH Innovation Lab, 2019 in China. Professionally, Hafiz is a researcher, geoscience professional and has worked with multinational and private companies. He completed his bachelor’s degree in geology from University of the Punjab, Lahore in 2014 and is currently pursuing master’s degree in Public Administration from the Virtual University of Pakistan. He is part of several global and regional networks including YOUNGO (official youth constituency of UNFCCC), UNEP MGCY, The Climate Reality Project, Global Thinkers Forum, World Youth Alliance, CIVICUS and others. Hafiz has a rich volunteering experience and passion for climate education and advocacy. He greatly values cross-cultural experiences and meeting new people from all parts of the world. Locally, he is associated with SDGs Academy Pakistan to take change and development at grass root level by creating awareness and activism in citizens. He is always in pursuit of a role where his energies will make an impact on surroundings. Hafiz aims to learn modern tools and skills to continue his struggle throughout his career.

Hafiz Jawad Sohail
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SDSN mobilizes global scientific and technological exertise to promote practical solutions for sustainable development, including the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs) and the Paris Climate Agreement. 

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