Are you concerned about the global climate change that is reshaping our planet? Are you concerned about trees being cut, global warming, oceans getting polluted? If these things trouble you, then you are the right candidate for being an Eco- Ambassador.
Environment in Action initiative of The Center for Sustainable Development (CSD) within The Earth Institute at Columbia University came about as a means to apply the knowledge and research of Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory scientists at The Earth Institute to science curricula of schools and community centers in developing countries where the Center works in education spheres.
It soon became clear that regardless of country and setting, every community of learners can benefit from environmental education at homes, schools, businesses and communities.
By presenting science that is alive and relevant to the daily lives of students, the Eco Ambassadors program is meant to engage our next generation youth in all places, so that they can begin educating their own communities about local environmental issues and start small steps to solving these issues with community action. It aims to engage interested participants in meaningful ways, using Design for Change’s Feel-Imagine-Do-Share method. The initiative is in partnership with Global Schools Program.
The first pilot of the Eco Ambassadors program will take place in Millburn, New Jersey. With summer months as the focus period, the program will run from June to September, from recruitment in June, workshop in July, project planning and action in July and August, to final presentations at a side event of International Conference on Sustainable Development in September.
Below are details of the first pilot in Millburn, New Jersey scheduled for summer 2019.
The objectives of the Eco Ambassadors program are the following:
Become aware of global environmental challenges
Meet with amazing front runners in our immediate environment and community
Work on individual / group projects along with helpful Parent Mentors to understand the environmental challenges and try to address them in small & big ways.
A lot of passion and commitment to make things happen!
Eco Ambassadors will be required to spend 5 hours per week to work on individual or group projects on topics related to sustainability.
Adults/parents have volunteered and will take the responsibility of few students on their sustainability journey.
Ideas on how you can use the framework discussed in this workshop to resolve a sustainability issue in the Millburn neighborhood. Ideas need to be tangible and visible. It cannot be left at a conceptual stage.
A short movie (not more than 8-9 minutes) or PowerPoint presentation (not more than 10-15 slides) on your project.
This outcome will be reviewed by experts based on evaluation criteria which will be shared with you. You will receive comments/suggestions to improve your product.
Selected movie/PowerPoint will be shared with IB Schools through Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN).
The outcomes will also be screened at a UN event on 24th September 2019 at Columbia University campus.
Team involved:
Researchers at the Center for Sustainable Development (CSD), Earth Institute, Columbia University will help to introduce the topic and guide you throughout the process. You can learn more about our work at: www.csd.columbia.edu
Global Schools Program of Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) will partner with us to share our materials to a wider group and get us connected with like-minded people. More on SDSN’s work: www.sdsn.org
